If mint button returns an error like high gas fees, mint from here instead: mint.fun. There is also a maximum of 19 fresh mints per wallet. If you attempt to go over 19 you will receive a high gas error. Use a different wallet to mint if this occurs or bulk purchase in the Cyber Bodega pool. Contact us on Twitter with any other issues.Cigawrette Packs is an experimental literature project consisting of 9999 cigawrette packs (most) with blank warning labels that can be written on and shared.Customize Text on Warning LabelThe Art93 brands, 1000 brand varieties, art by pappachaga (fly high).
Approximately ten percent of brands are packaged in a subtle, clear plastic wrap with tear string, and have warning labels full of text. However, most brand warning labels are left blank, so you can create your own with cigbot. If you have nothing to say, your packs can meditate in silent anticipation. One exclusive brand line, ‘President’s Club’, has no warning label or packaging at all.Rarity is both quantitative and qualitative. Visuals often vary across singular sub-brands. Brand styles range from obvious riffs to abstract, absurd and are sometimes even derivative of each other. Boxes are designed in a semi-vector format as a take on the corporatized fiverr NFT style.
Statement from the CEOCigawrette packs explore the derivative nature of competitive attention marketplaces and are specifically designed to become derivative in and of themselves. Rather than releasing a ‘complete’ project with all warning labels filled out in a top down, here is the art manner, the packs are released in an MVP x NikeID style fashion. This functions primarily as medium for interactive literature or memes depending on usage, and secondarily, co-opts corporate aesthetics as a toolset.-As NFTs are not yet driven by an institutionalized critic class or art gallery hierarchy funnel, collector-usage and network attention drives relevance. So far we have seen this play out with profile pictures and various forms of future or often high friction utility. Instead, cigawrette packs ask not that you replace your PFP identity or do something obscure and high friction like play a video game, but instead just write in your warning label with cigawrettebot.Corporate agendaTo: Whom it may concernRE: Cigawrette PacksCigawrette Packs is an initial building block to bring about cyberbotanical paradise on earth.As a general brand aesthetic we will leverage corporatism as a medium across brand lines to expand on the notion of NFTs in art and culture, in particular as a method of contractual and financial innovation, not necessarily just JPGs. This may pull from corporate scandal, lifestyle marketing and the grey market cigarette economics that have existed over the past century, hidden behind the scenes.MintAffiliateContractTwitter